
a poetic invitation to “rewriting alzheimer” at walk with me 2018

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Anyway, so you have some background to the poem is you’re already here, I’m submitting to the Walk with Me 2018 : Changing the Culture of Care in Canada conference to do a session on using poetry as an advocacy and care tool.

As part of the submission, I created this poem to invite people to come to my session.

rewriting alzheimer: a poetic invitation

this workshop is for anyone
who wants to feel more joy
to dance and sing round in a ring
with words they dare employ

my mission is to show you how
to know that “yes you can!”
create a poem from nothing more
than several grains of sand

you think you can’t? oh no you shan’t
rain on this parade
please take the citrus in your life
and make some lemonade

join me for the tears and fun
we’ll cry and laugh together
then in the end, we’ll write and send
poems cut from kid glove leather


is it a boy turtle or a girl turtle?

Dear NHGC Lady Golfers,

Re: the turtle naming contest

It’s all very well and good to have a contest to name NHGC’s titillating turtle.

BUT how can we possibly name her/him when we have no idea of his/her gender? Claire has jumped to the conclusion that it is a she, but maybe she is a he (not Claire, the turtle). And yes, yes, I know androgynous names are all the rage, BUT what about those of us who prefer to stick to TRADITION? Boys’ names for boy turtles, and girls’ names for girl turtles. Unfortunately, sexing turtles is notoriously difficult (as I’m sure most of you well know!).

What to do?

Thankfully, the universe, in its infinite wisdom, sent me a perfectly-timed solution to the turtle sexing challenge. I heard it tonight on CBC radio As It Happens, AND as I’m sure you’ll agree when you listen to it, the solution is super synchronistic in more ways than one:

I think I have some tools that may be of use 😛

XOX Susan