Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, Humour, Videos

big pharma, big money, big crime

This Stephen Colbert bit is about the opioid crisis. But it could equally be about the polypharmacy crisis in older adults. Or the antipsychotic and psychotropic crisis in long-term care facilities. It’s all one and the same issue. #BIGpharma #bigMONEY


Drug money. Food for thought.

tragically wrong and hilariously funny: john oliver tells the truth about drugs, docs and big bucks

10 seldom-mentioned “side effects” of using antipsychotics in long-term dementia care, which are also 10 more good reasons we should #BanBPSD

the worldwide case against giving antipsychotics to elderly people living with dementia

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Advocacy, Information, Life & Living, Toward better care

are we way off target?

Harry Urban Lives with dementia. He started the Facebook dementia support group called Forget Me Not (it’s a closed group, you will need to request to join if you want to become a member).

Harry, who is an administrator on the Forget Me Not page,  posts there frequently, and sometimes shares those posts on his personal page. This particular post really resonated with me:

“Are we missing the point concerning raising dementia awareness? Are we so focused on finding a cure for Alzheimer’s that we are forgetting about the people living other forms of dementia? Today Hazel and I volunteered at the Alzheimer’s Associations Walk to End Alzheimer’s and had a wonderful time, but something was missing.

I listened to the speakers and heard the statistics and how horrible this disease is. What I didn’t walk away with, was the feeling of Hope. It was nice to hear how much money sponsors contributed and who gave the most, but is that how we are going to end Alzheimer’s?

I know I am being over critical and going to catch Hell from many directions, but the path of dementia I am walking on is comprised of people living with various forms and stages of dementia. Money is not going to get them off that path, only Hope can.

Money is needed to find a cure for future generations and I’m for it, but damn it, don’t people realize that my friends don’t want to hear about the miseries or the statistics, they want to hear how they can live with their disease today.

Why is it so hard to speak about Hope and how we are spending money toward finding ways to live a better life? When we talk about finding a cure, why can’t we also want to find a cure for Vascular Dementia, Lewy Body Dementia, Frontotemporal Dementia and all the other forms.

My biggest question is, why do we need to sell the miseries of our disease to raise funds. Maybe if people saw the Hope and progress the grass roots are making into how people think about dementia, they would give more.”

Several people who also live with dementia made these comments on Harry’s post:

“The negative narrative feeds fear and dread and disables people upon diagnosis. When we speak out our diagnosis are questioned because of the negative perceptions of professionals who should know better. Other diseases are portrayed in a more positive light, breeding enablement and hope, why can that not be the narrative around Dementia.” ~ HG

“This is precisely the problem. Perpetuating the tragedy stereotype is what They use to raise money. Dispelling myths and demonstrating we’re still human with equal human rights is what We do to raise hopes. Someone needs to get Our truth to the masses.” ~ Mary Radnofsky

“Very well said! I have often felt that some of the big associations care much more about the money than they do about people living with the disease.” ~ SW

Like Harry and I, others in the worldwide dementia care advocacy network are asking pertinent and powerful questions such as: why do we need to sell misery and our souls to get funding for dementia care?

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Advocacy, Real life, Toward better care

PR: should alzheimer’s advocates be doing it for #BIGpharma?

“It enrages, sickens and saddens me when I see Alzheimer’s Disease International promoting Eli Lilly and Janssen R&D/Johnson & Johnson,” I rant in an email to a fellow dementia care advocate/activist on the other side of the world. Half a planet separates us, but my gut tells me we’re on the same page. My gut is right.

“It f*****g sickens me too!” she replies in short order.

The subject of our joint upset is “Every Three Seconds,” a two-hour “documentary” produced by Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), in partnership with ITN Productions.

The “documentary” comprises a total of thirty-five four- to five-minute videos; they are divided into three sections. Topics range from “maintaining quality of life” to “person-centred care.” The videos are in a news-magazine-like format to give the impression they are, well, news. It’s a clever way to camouflage the fact that the “documentary” actually features sponsored content from “leading academic, research and care organisations,” which means the corporations and organisations paid to be in the “documentary,” which means it’s not a documentary at all; it’s an advertorial.

Noteworthy among the participating sponsor/advertisers are two of the world’s biggest drug companies: Eli Lilly and Janssen Inc. a pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson. Each has its own five-minute video in the larger advertorial.

“Making medicines that help people live longer and healthier lives is what the Eli Lilly company was created for, and working on Alzheimer’s disease has long been a priority,” a “reporter” gushes at the start of the Lilly commercial, which, predictably, goes on to heap praise on the #BIGPharma giant.

The four-minute video doesn’t mention that Lilly is currently the largest manufacturer of psychiatric medications in the world; it produces Prozac (fluoxetine), Dolophine (methadone), Cymbalta (duloxetine), and Zyprexa (olanzapine), an antipsychotic that is given off label to people who live with dementia.

Meanwhile, it leaves out a whole lot of relevant and important information. For example, it doesn’t mention that:

X olazapine (Zyprexa) is not indicated nor approved for older adults who live with dementia (see the Lilly’s own information on the drug here.

X older adults with dementia who take olanzapine may experience the same kinds of side effects as those of other antipsychotics such as quetiapine (Seroquel), risperidone (Risperdal), and haloperidol (Haldol).

X in 2009, Eli Lilly pleaded guilty to actively promoting Zyprexa for off-label uses, particularly for the treatment of dementia in the elderly. The $1.415 billion penalty included an $800 million civil settlement and a $515 million criminal fine, the largest ever in a healthcare case and the largest criminal fine for an individual corporation ever imposed in a US criminal prosecution of any kind (as of 2009).

Nor does it mention the fact that Lilly ‘threw in the towel’ on its most recent Alzheimer’s drug research in June 2018.

The five-minute Janssen commercial, which is the tenth in the series of thirty-five videos, begins with a short intro that leads into this statement: “Research into dementia and Alzheimer’s disease has certainly come a long way in recent years. That’s in large part due to new technology, and also a greater conversation between scientists and the wider community. Leading the field is Janssen Research and Development, one of the pharmaceutical companies of Johnson & Johnson, whose neuroscience teams are researching how to stop or slow the progression of dementia.”

The reporter goes on to “interview” three Janssen executives who not surprisingly talk about “promise,” “potential,” and collaboration. On the plus side, Janssen is at least transparent about its sponsorship of the video:

What the video fails to talk about is the fact that the artificial construct of “behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia,” otherwise known as BPSD, was adopted by the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) under an “educational” grant from Janssen-Clegg in 1998, at which time Johnson & Johnson was ramping up sales and marketing efforts for Risperdal, an antipsychotic drug it manufactures and for which it was then seeking new markets.

Johnson & Johnson has since settled thousands of cases involving the illicit promotion of Risperdal, (which is now “black boxed” in the US and other countries for use with people living with dementia), including Department of Justice (DOJ) civil and criminal complaints, for a total which was close to US $3 billion in 2015. Here are some additional details from the Consumer Safety Organization, which is run by several law firms keen to litigate:

“Through its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson tried multiple times in the 1990s to gain approval [to use Risperdal to treat adolescents and older adults], without success. But despite this, marketing efforts by J & J specifically targeted these groups for off-label usage. It encouraged the use of Risperdal…by geriatric dementia patients. It provided kickbacks to physicians who prescribed the drug, held golf tournaments, and provided other benefits to expand their market. Targeting seniors, J&J engaged in profit sharing with Omnicare, one of the largest nursing home pharmacy systems in the U.S.”

[In 2012], the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) levied a $2.2 billion fine against Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The core reason for the fine was Janssen’s marketing and sale of Risperdal and other drugs (Invega and Natrecor) for unapproved uses.

According to the DOJ’s public statement, the drug maker also had entered into an illegal kickback scheme with Omnicare Inc., a pharmacy that specializes in providing drugs to elderly care and assisted-living facilities. The $2.2 billion fine constitutes one of the larges healthcare-related fraud settlements in the history of the U.S. Even so, it is only a fraction of the $30 billion J & J had made from sales of Risperdal at the time of the settlement.”

The way companies such as Lilly and Janssen push their drugs to physicians and geriatricians who then prescribe them to people like my mom who lived with dementia makes me sick, and very, very angry. It makes me even angrier that despite the billions of dollars in fines, it’s still business as usual for #BigPharma, and that means hundreds of thousands of people who live with dementia are still being prescribed dangerous and debilitating drugs off label (i.e. despite US FDA and other countries’ black box warnings).

This is what being inappropriately prescribed Risperdal and Seroquel (which is manufactured by AstraZeneca*), did to my mom:

That’s why it infuriates me when an organization such as ADI, which is meant to advocate for people who live with Alzheimer disease, broadcasts the marketing messages of drug companies that are responsible for the pain and suffering of hundreds of thousand of older adults and people who live with dementia. By doing PR for #BIGpharma, ADI is indirectly endorsing the use of these drugs and feeding into the profits being reaped from their sales at the expense of vulnerable people living with dementia.

Alzheimer’s disease didn’t steal my mom from me, not at all, antipsychotic drugs and the neglect and abuse she endured in a dementia jail did did:

Dementia doesn’t rob someone of their dignity. It’s our reaction to them that does.

Accepting funding from pharmaceutical companies is a massive conflict of interest for Alzheimer’s advocacy organisations (read more about that here). Shame on ADI for producing, promoting and publicising corporate BS as if it were truth. Perhaps more important, shame on pharmaceutical industry executives worldwide for profit-making on the backs of the vulnerable older adults who live with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, making them sicker than they already are and even killing them for the sake of a making buck. Or, to be more accurate, billions of bucks.

A prominent clinical pharmacist in psychiatry summed it up like this in an email:

“The multinational pharma groups are huge, slick, polished and ruthless. They present themselves as organizations with an interest in health, [when] their actual focus is to make enormous amounts of money.”

Indeed. And that’s precisely why Alzheimer disease advocacy organisations such as ADI shouldn’t be partnering with #BIGpharma, endorsing them in any way, or — God forbid — doing their PR for them!

#BIGpharma doesn’t need or deserve our support.

*Note: As Lilly and Janssen have with Zyprexa and Risperdal respectively, AstraZeneca has also settled lawsuits worth hundreds of millions of dollars with respect to promoting the off-label use of Seroquel and other medications.

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Advocacy, Hope, Toward better care

7 words not to use in alzheimer news

Counterintuitively, the words the majority of us most want to hear with respect to Alzheimer disease are those the media, researchers and Alzheimer’s organisations should employ as little as possible.

Or at least so says and a group of dementia pioneers and “outliers” including Dr. Eilon Caspi, Dr. Peter Whitehouse, care consultant Judy Berry, and dementia rights advocate Mary Radnofsky among others.

Believe it or not, the seven words are:

  1. hope
  2. dramatic
  3. promising
  4. victim
  5. breakthrough
  6. miracle
  7. cure

Sound crazy? Have a listen to this eye-opening podcast that could change your whole view on “finding a cure,” and “taking care:”

Lots of thought-provoking links on this issue here.

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Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, NHBPS, Toward better care

20 compelling reasons to rethink the way we label and medicalise the behaviour of people who live with dementia #BanBPSD

In June this year, I posted an open letter to the worldwide dementia care community. Since then, advocates and activists such as myself, including Dr. Al PowerDaniela GreenwoodHoward GordonLiz LesterLeah BisianiSonya Barsness, Dr. Chris Alderman, Kate Swaffer, and others, have joined forces to create an awareness and action campaign calling for the ban of the damaging and stigmatizing artificial construct BPSD (the short form of “behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia).

As part of the campaign, fellow human rights and dementia care advocate Kate Swaffer penned “Rethinking Dementia: Normal Human Responses,” an excellent post wherein she lists fourteen simple examples of why we should #BanBPSD. Here are five from Kate’s list of 14 [I’ve added bits here and there, which I have enclosed in square brackets]:

I would add these six to Kate’s list of 14:

15 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing normal human responses to being told to sit or stay still for long periods of time is abuse. Most people (75 per cent) say they would start to feel restless if made to sit longer than half an hour.

16 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing normal human human bodily functions is cruel and abusive.

17 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing an individual’s lifelong normal behaviour is cruel and abusive.

18 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing an individual’s normal human responses to inadequate care, harmful environmental conditions and being restrained is cruel, abusive and wrong.

19 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing an individual’s normal human responses to cruel, abusive, harmful and wrongful treatment by physically restraining them is abuse.

20 ) Labeling, medicalising and punishing an invidivual’s normal human responses to cruel, abusive, harmful and wrongful treatment by chemically restraining them is abuse and should be made criminal.

I highly recommend reading the full text of Kate’s excellent piece here, and I invite to also read my article “the broken lens of BPSD: why we need to rethink the way we label the behaviour of people who live with alzheimer’s disease,” which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.

#IAmChallengingBehaviour #BanBPSD #WeCanCareBetter

take off the blindfolds and #BanBPSD: an open letter to the worldwide dementia community

7 problems with BPSD

the broken lens of BPSD: why we need to rethink the way we label the behaviour of people who live with alzheimer’s disease

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Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, Toward better care

7 problems with BPSD

The term “behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia” (BPSD) is a harmful artificial construct used to inappropriately describe reasonable responses to adverse conditions and circumstances (RRACC) when such responses are expressed by people living with dementia (PLWD).

Some of the damaging and stigmatizing labels and descriptors associated with BPSD are “wandering,” “exit-seeking behaviour,” “challenging behaviours,” “combative,” “aggressive,” etc.

The term BPSD was coined in the late 1990s by the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA). Twenty years on, a growing number of dementia care advocates worldwide are calling for the BPSD construct to be rejected by the geriatric healthcare professionals and researcher and to be banned from dementia care language (#BanBPSD). Prominent among those calling for the paradigm shift are dementia care pioneers Kate Swaffer, former nurse and care partner, speaker, blogger, activist, and author of What the Hell Happened to My Brain?, and Dr. Allen Power, geriatrician, speaker, author, trainer, consultant.

Dr. Power, whose books Dementia Beyond Drugs and Dementia Beyond Disease, are essential reading for geriatric health professionals, care workers and care partners, summarizes the problems with BPSD like this:

1 ) Relegates people’s expressions to brain disease

2 ) Ignores relational, environmental, historical factors and causes

3 ) Pathologizes normal expressions

4 ) Uses flawed systems of categorization

5 ) Creates a slippery slope to drug use

6 ) Fails to explain how drug use has been successfully eliminated in many nursing homes

7 ) Misapplies psychiatric labels, such as psychosis, delusions and hallucinations

Essentially, the broken lens of BPSD stops us from seeing the real causes of the reasonable reactions to adverse conditions and circumstances (RRACC) when expressed by PLWD, and thus impedes dementia care practitioners and researchers from finding and employing effective, enabling and engaging solutions to the distress experienced by many PLWD.

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Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, Humour

7 snippets from a story about unborn baby bunnies that is scarily similar to the myth of bpsd

For about 80 years, it was accepted as scientific fact that rabbits were first domesticated in 600 A.D. as a result of a decree issued by Pope Gregory the Great declaring that fetal rabbits could be eaten during Lent.

Similarly, for about 30 years, after the International Psychogeriatric Association “invented” the artificial construct of BPSD in the late 1990s, it has been accepted scientific fact that when people who live with dementia respond normally to particular sets of circumstances, and that those reasonable reactions upset or challenge those around them, that those reasonable reactions are caused by dementia. Like the myth of the unborn baby bunnies, the myth of BPSD is being debunked.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Quite by accident, in 2016/17, the rabbit domestication story that had been accepted by scientists around the world for almost a century was discovered to be a complete fabrication.

“The whole thing is a house of cards,” Dr. Greger Larson said [as reported by the New York Times], acknowledging that he too has cited the story just like many other researchers. The remaining question, he said, is: “Why did we never question this? Why were we so willing to believe in this origin myth?”

Dr. Larson, who is the director of the paleo-genomics and bio-archaeology research network at the University of Oxford, made the finding (actually, more accurately, it was discovered by one of Larson’s graduate students whom Larson had asked to do some historical fact checking), which was subsequently published by Trends in Ecology and Evolution in December 2017, and which you won’t be able to read unless you live in an ivory tower (one of my pet peeves).

What astonished me as I listened to the story (hear it for yourself below), were the similarities between it and the ongoing acceptance as truth by much of the research, medical and gerontology community worldwide of the artificial construct of so-called “behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia,“ more commonly known as “BPSD.”

In particular, the uncanny applicability of these snippets of conversation between CBC host Carol Off (CO) and guest Greger Larsen (GL) struck me:

  1. GL: “The story…has been banging around for years but nobody ever bothered questioning [it]. And it’s in both the lay and academic literature…”
  2. CO: “How much of that actually turns out to be true?” GL:“None of it actually.”
  3. GL: “…and so the whole thing is just a house of cards of kind of accidentally mistaking people and translations and older references that all then got pieced together slowly. A bit like a Chinese Whispers or a game of telephone when you were a kid, and so the end result ends up being this kind of bizarre story…”
  4. GL: “And everybody just cites this story very easily over and over again, until it becomes recognized as a kind of fact.”
  5. GL: “So all of these little bits of it were just being kind of shelved onto a house that was being badly constructed with a lot of different materials, until you ended up with something that just made no sense whatsoever.”
  6. GL: “…what the rabbit story really revealed to me was the degree to which we don’t question the things that fit into our worldview. So if I tell you something that you believe without me having to prove it, then you don’t require a whole lot of evidence.”
  7. GL: “…actually there is not a single case where we have any decent evidence…”

The interview closes with this summary into which I’ve inserted in italics what I see as additional parallels to the myth of BPSD:

“These things are agglomerated onto an evolving tradition (the biomedical model). And now when we get to it, we just think ‘oh, well rabbits have always been associated with Easter (“challenging behaviours” are caused by ADRD). And actually they are a very, very recent addition (human behaviour has always been human behaviour until we had a reason to label it as aberrant). And somehow the hare (reasonable reactions to adverse circumstances) got replaced (with BPSD), even though the hare was part of it all along. So when and where that took place and what the motivations were (Ignorance, misunderstanding, good intentions and Big Pharma profit marketing?) and how it all happened (Ignorance, misunderstanding, good intentions and Big Pharma marketing?) we’ve got no idea, but that’s a project we’ve got going on (indeed we do). And what we’re going to get to the bottom of that one (damn right!).”

Here is the CBC As It Happens interview with Dr. Larson (fascinating AND funny):

Listen to the complete As It Happens show in which the segment was aired here

In the event that you don’t see the sanity in what I say and/or you don’t share my view, I offer this:

Thanks to CBC and As It Happens for great stories and public broadcasting worth listening to.

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Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, Toward better care

30 haloperidol / haldol side effects

I advocate against the inappropriate use of antipsychotics in treating people who live with dementia because I have seen first hand the devastating impact these drugs can have.

Sadly, many dementia care partners (including myself) have been forced to turn to medication out of desperation. In order to be be able to make an informed decision, it’s important to know the side effects of the medication in question. Here’s what the Alzheimer’s Organization says:

“The decision to use an antipsychotic drug needs to be considered with extreme caution. Recent studies have shown that these drugs are associated with an increased risk of stroke and death in older adults with dementia. The FDA has labeled the drugs with a “black box” warning about this risk and a reminder that they are not approved to treat dementia symptoms.”

Antipsychotics haloperidol (Haldol)queitapine (Seroquel) and risperidone (Risperdal) carry black box warnings because because they increase the risk of mortality in elderly patients with dementia. Furthermore, research shows these medications are largely ineffective in treating behavioural expressions in people who live with dementia.

Geriatricians worldwide recommend against their use, saying they should only be given as a last resort after all non-pharmacological strategies have been tried. Unfortunately, too many people who live with dementia are still prescribed these drugs which are in the majority of cases both ineffective as well as harmful.

Here are some of the side effects in elderly people from haloperidol, which is marketed under the brand name Haldol:

  1. increased risk of death
  2. catatonic-like states
  3. difficulty with speaking or swallowing
  4. inability to move the eyes
  5. loss of balance control
  6. mask-like face
  7. muscle spasms, especially of the neck and back
  8. restlessness or need to keep moving (severe)
  9. shuffling walk
  10. stiffness in arms and legs
  11. tardive dyskinesia
  12. twisting movements of the body
  13. weakness of the arms and legs
  14. dizziness
  15. hyperactivity
  16. nausea / vomiting
  17. insomnia
  18. anxiety
  19. agitation
  20. drowsiness
  21. depression
  22. lethargy
  23. headache
  24. confusion
  25. vertigo
  26. grand mal seizures
  27. exacerbation of psychotic symptoms including hallucinations
  28. sedation
  29. weight gain
  30. constipation

More and sources: here, here and here.

Giving haloperido (Haldol) to people who live with dementia and who may be unable to report the side effects they are experiencing is cruel and in many cases completely unnecessary. Read more about why drugs like haloperidol are still inappropriately prescribed to elderly people who live with dementia.

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Challenges & Solutions, NHBPS, Toward better care

101 potential causes of behaviour by people living with dementia that institutional care staff may find challenging

While researching my second JAMDA article, I came across a relatively recent paper by Dr. Jiska Cohen-Mansfield on the causes of discomfort in people who live with dementia (PLWD) in long-term care facilities (LTCFs). Cohen-Mansfield and her team developed a Sources of Discomfort Scale (SODS), as part of a larger study for the “Treatment Routes for Exploring Agitation” (TREA). The SODS lists the 20 most common sources of discomfort the researchers discovered, of which the top four are:

  1. feeling tired or sleepy
  2. sitting for too long
  3. being restrained
  4. inadequate lighting

This caused me to revisit my list of 35 things that may cause people with dementia (and you) to become uncooperative, upset, angry, anxious or “aggressive,” which I then found inadequate. Somewhere else (I don’t remember where now), I had come across the concept of separating sources of discomfort and agitation under four broad categories:

  • physical discomfort
  • psychological discomfort
  • social discomfort
  • environmental factors

Like Dr. Cohen-Mansfield, I continue to explore the root causes of the of the reasonable reactions people living with dementia have to the circumstance in which they find themselves. These reasonable reactions are also sometimes called behavioural expressions, responsive behaviours, personal expressions and, unhelpfully, “challenging behaviours.” “The broken lens of BPSD: why we need to rethink the way we label the behaviour of people who live with alzheimer’s disease” gives specific examples drawn from my personal experience of how the biomedical model misses the mark when it comes to identifying the causes of behavioural expressions in PLWD.

Based on my own experience and observations, I developed this list of 101 possible underlying reasons for the responsive behaviours of PLWD in LTCFs, grouped into the four broad categories mentioned above:

Physical discomfort (33)
  1. pain
  2. constipation
  3. incontinence
  4. forced incontinence (needing help with toileting, but no help available)
  5. being wet / soiled
  6. being assaulted
  7. being neglected and/or abused
  8. feeling hot
  9. feeling cold
  10. fatigue
  11. exhaustion
  12. hunger
  13. thirst
  14. breathing difficulties
  15. hearing problems (helpful downloadable PDF by Agnes Houston MBE)
  16. vision problems (helpful downloadable PDF by Agnes Houston MBE)
  17. sensory issues (helpful downloadable PDF by Agnes Houston MBE)
  18. reaction to food (e.g. caffeine)
  19. stomach upset
  20. being restrained
  21. dry skin
  22. itchiness
  23. poor diet
  24. malnutrition
  25. ill-fitting clothes
  26. insufficient bathing
  27. lack of exercise
  28. weakness
  29. illness (e.g. various infections including UTIs)
  30. inability to verbally communicate (e.g. aphasia)
  31. being denied touch
  32. unmet sexual needs
  33. experiencing the side effects of medications (e.g. risperidone, quetiapine,) and/or polypharmacy
Psychological discomfort (36)
  1. fear
  2. confusion
  3. frustration
  4. boredom
  5. loneliness
  6. shame
  7. depression
  8. despair
  9. hopelessness
  10. grief
  11. loss
  12. humiliation
  13. isolation
  14. lack of love
  15. lack of attention
  16. feeling out of control
  17. feeling incompetent
  18. feeling unheard
  19. feeling worried
  20. feeling panicky
  21. feeling powerless
  22. being a “stranger in a strange land”
  23. being restrained/denied one’s freedom of movement or voice
  24. being told what to do
  25. being neglected
  26. being abused
  27. not getting to do what one wants
  28. too much stimulation
  29. too little stimulation
  30. too much routine
  31. too little routine
  32. life changes
  33. being purposeless
  34. being denied pleasure and play
  35. anxiety (as a result of all of the above and below)
  36. feeling angry (as a result of all of the above and below)
Social discomfort (16)
  1. having strange people all around
  2. being in close quarters with others
  3. being isolated
  4. being punished
  5. being ridiculed
  6. being bullied
  7. too much social stimulation
  8. too little social stimulation
  9. forced activity
  10. forced inactivity
  11. being denied access to loved ones
  12. being patronized
  13. being infantilized
  14. being shamed
  15. being embarrassed
  16. being forced to interact with people one doesn’t like
Environmental factors (16)
  1. noise  (also: helpful downloadable PDF by Agnes Houston MBE)
  2. unknown sounds
  3. loud sounds
  4. radio / television
  5. too much light
  6. too little light
  7. heat
  8. cold
  9. clutter
  10. uninteresting surroundings
  11. unfamiliar surroundings
  12. change in surroundings
  13. being confined to a small space
  14. being confined indoors
  15. stale air / lack of ventilation
  16. lack of sun

This list isn’t exhaustive. To add to it, ask yourself what would make you feel uncomfortable, anxious, unwilling to cooperate, angry, “combative,” and/or upset. Correctly identifying the root cause of behavioural expressions that are problematic for care workers and LTCF staff can help us find solutions other than inappropriately medicating people with antipsychotic drugs.

the broken lens of BPSD: why we need to rethink the way we label the behaviour of people who live with alzheimer’s disease

20 questions that help explain why people with dementia get agitated and physically aggressive

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Advocacy, Antipsychotic drugs, NHBPS

the broken lens of BPSD: why we need to rethink the way we label the behaviour of people who live with alzheimer’s disease

In December 2016, my first-ever journal article (Efforts to Reduce Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Care are Starting to Bear Fruit, but a Lot of Work Remains to be Done) was published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA). A second article, the preprint of which appears below in its entirety, was accepted for publication by JAMDA on November 13, ©2017, under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license for the section “Controversy in Long-Term Care.” Papers by non-academic, non-credentialed professionals or non-researchers are rarely accepted by such publications, and I’m proud of these accomplishments. I dedicate this work to my mom and the countless others like her who were or are inappropriately medicated with antipsychotic drugs.


The Broken Lens of BPSD: Why We Need to Rethink the Way We Label the Behaviour of People Who Live with Alzheimer’s Disease 

Problem: Assessing and reporting the behavior of people living with dementia (PLWD) through the lens of the currently relied-on Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) is problematic. Using the BPSD as an assessment tool can rob PLWD in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) and LTCF staff of their collective human rights and their quality of life, as well as their emotional well-being and dignity.

Significance of the problem: The problem of judging the behavior of PLWD through the artificial construct of BPSD is pervasive, persistent and systemic.[1] Hundreds of thousands of PLWD and their care partners are currently negatively impacted by the inaccurate perceptions that result from seeing behavior through the BPSD lens. Without a massive paradigm shift, this problem will only worsen, as the number of PLWD is projected to rapidly increase in the coming years.

Discussion: I will illustrate the gravity of this problem with one qualitative case study (my mother) and the results of quantitative research conducted by myself for this purpose, which together tell a compelling story that demands immediate remedial action.

In the summer of 2013, I initiated legal proceedings to gain control of my mother’s care from another family member. In the lead-up to the court hearing, the LTCF in which my mother resided produced nine months worth of nurses’ notes as proof that my mother needed antipsychotic drugs to control her behaviors, which, they said, were BPSD resulting from the progression of her Alzheimer’s disease.

I reviewed the notes, identified five categories of “events,” coded the notes and tabulated the results. Three of the five categories are relevant here:

Table 1: Nurses’ Notes Coded Events

There were 83 “red circle” events in total (69 marked with an “X”, 14 without). About half (42) were associated with my mother being uncooperative in some way, either by resisting care (21) or not doing as she was told (21). Slightly less than 25% involved conflict with another resident (17), and no additional explanation was given for close to one-third (24) of the events.

It is important to note that, at no time during the nine-month period covered by the notes had my mother been aggressive with me. Likewise, whenever she was with a paid one-on-one “sitter,” constituting 83 reported visits, each of about four to five hours duration, there was not a single reference to her having been verbally or physically aggressive. In fact, 94% of the sitter notes are positive (i.e., my mother was described as good, calm, and/or enjoyable). However, only one of the sitters kept independent logs. The obvious solution of providing more one-on-one care was accessible and affordable; unfortunately both the LTCF and the person in legal control of her affairs opposed it.

In the mid-1980s, researcher Dr. Jiska Cohen-Mansfield developed a tool to measure agitation in PLWD in LTCFs. Called the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI),[2] the tool comprises 29 behaviors such as:

CMAI #1: Pacing and aimless wandering – constantly walking back and forth, including wandering when done in a wheelchair. Does not include normal purposeful walking.

CMAI #7; #8: Hitting (including self) – physical abuse, striking others, pinching others, banging self/furniture; Kicking – strike forcefully with feet at people or objects;

CMAI #29: General Restlessness – fidgeting, always moving around in seat, getting up and sitting down, inability to sit still

The CMAI was designed to take “snapshots in time” that would allow researchers to measure change after specific interventions. It is widely used; however, I believe the tool is inherently flawed because of the way it defines agitation as: “inappropriate verbal, vocal, or motor activity that is not judged by an outside observer to result directly from the needs or confusion of the agitated person.”

This definition falls short in that it:

  • fails to further define “inappropriate”
  • relies on unreliable observers

If I am a PLWD locked in a “memory care unit,” is it “inappropriate” for me to get up and walk down the hall? And how can I possibly engage in “normal purposeful walking” when there is nowhere to go and nothing personally meaningful to do?[3] As Naomi Feil, founder of the Validation Method, avers: “To understand a person’s behavior, his or her physical strengths, social needs, and psychological needs must be known. Behavior cannot be judged appropriate or inappropriate unless it is viewed within the context of these needs.” [4] Moreover, studies show the positive effects of engagement in meaningful activities of LTC residents with dementia on emotional states and behavioral expressions. [5][6] 

Furthermore, Cohen-Mansfield’s outside observers were LTCF nurses who were, I would argue, ill-equipped to judge whether the activities “resulted from the needs or confusion of the agitated person.” Had the needs or confusion of the residents been understood, presumably the staff would have taken actions to address them, and the residents would not then have been agitated in the first place. Since the residents were already agitated, the nurses cannot be deemed reliable observers.[7]

The International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) launched its educational pack on the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in 1998. Henceforth, the IPA proclaimed that “agitation in PLWD” would be known as BPSD; thus:

“The term behavioral disturbances should be replaced by the term behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), defined as: Symptoms of disturbed perception, thought content, mood or behavior that frequently occur in patients with dementia. (Finkel & Burns, 1999) [8]

Essentially, research tools such as the CMAI were morphed into a clinical tool – BPSD. It’s also noteworthy that the IPA’s BPSD Educational Pack was produced under a grant provided by Janssen-Cilag,[9] a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson pharmaceuticals, the manufacturer and distributor of risperidone (marketed under the brand name Risperdal™), subsequently sold as a treatment for BPSD.

In fact, Johnson & Johnson was ramping up risperidone sales and marketing efforts at the time: [10]

“An 83-person Risperdal ElderCare sales team was formed—creating a countrywide unit whose explicit, unabashed mission was to get Risperdal into the mouths of an off-limits population. Its only targets, according to internal budgets and sales plans, were doctors who primarily treated the elderly or who were medical directors at nursing homes.”

Most important, in reclassifying the behaviors on the CMAI and other scales as “symptoms of dementia,” the IPA overlooked the fact that these behaviors are not by any means exclusive to PLWD. I am not the first or only person to make this argument.[11]

The 29-item Nursing Home Behavior Problem Scale (NHBPS)[12][13] is virtually identical to the CMAI. To help reframe the artificial construct of BPSD, I created a short survey on behavior (SSB)[14] that mirrors the NHBPS, and I invited the general public to complete it online. As of October 15, 2017, more than 1,300 people had registered responses; the SSB is still live and the results[15] are trending similarly over time. Here are the percentages of respondents who answered “yes” to five of the most telling questions:

Table 2: Short Survey on Behavior Select Questions Results

Predictably, 95% of SSB respondents answered “yes” to SSB Q9. But how long is “long?” SSB Q 30 clarifies by asking: “How long could you sit in a chair with nothing to do before you would become restless, want to get up, or start to fidget?” A little over 75% of respondents answered “less than 30 minutes.”

Length of time people say they can sit with nothing to do

As only 2% of respondents say they live with dementia, the only possible conclusion is the behaviors on the NHBPS are not symptoms of dementia. Neither are the behaviors on the CMAI, and neither are the erroneously labeled BPSD.

Twenty-eight of the “red circle” events in the nurses’ notes about my mother were associated with her being “restless,” “wandering,” or “circulating.” For example:

14/07/13 /1600: Clt wandering, restless. Went into another clt’s room. Escorted out,                    clt not happy w this, trying to slap @this LPN.

14/0713 1630: Clt sitting by elevator w (legs) feet stretched out. When asked to move feet from walking path to elevator, started to kick and push w feet. Another clt tried to pass on to elevator would not move feet, both clts kicked @each other. This LPN stood in between, clt slapping + kicking @ this LPN to move.

In other words, Mom “wandered” into someone’s room, and then reacted “badly” when she was forcibly removed. She was told to sit in the corner in a chair adjacent to the elevator, where it was impossible for one’s legs not to block the way unless they were tucked tightly under the chair. When she was asked to move, she protested with negative behavioral expressions. What lay behind this and other similar incidents?

My mother’s bedroom was on the third floor of the LTCF, which accommodated 37 residents on three levels. However, during her first 18 months there, she spent all day in the “locked down” unit on the second floor, where she had no space of her own. My mother was instructed to sit in a chair by the elevator, less than six feet away from the call bell alarm panel that “rang” constantly with fog-horn-like intensity and volume. Given that people with dementia can be highly reactive to sensory inputs, this one poor design feature alone would have caused a great deal of agitation.

Before going into the LTCF, my mother was in the habit of walking several kilometers outdoors every day. She was expected to adapt to the concept of sitting still, which she never did in the four years she was a resident. Every time she stood up, she faced negative repercussions. Similar to 95% of the respondents in the aforementioned survey, my mother was unable and unwilling to sit still with nothing to do for long periods of time. Compounding the issue was the fact that there were no shared public toilets on this unit, which meant she had to be taken into another resident’s room when the need arose; however, if she “wandered in” on her own, she was pulled out forcefully, resulting in a mixed message and confusion all around. In conclusion, the 28 “restless” red circle events were normal responses to an intolerable situation that no resident should experience, with or without dementia.

Six of the red circle events resulted from my mother wanting to sit with a friend at dinner instead of beside her assigned tablemate, whom she didn’t like. I repeatedly asked for her to be moved to a different table. I was told this was “not possible.” When she was eventually “allowed” to sit with her friend (four months later), the dining room episodes stopped. These red-circle events could have been avoided by accommodating her with a simple seat change.

Six more of the “resists care” events had to do with bath time:

19/4/13 10:30: Became agitated once in whirlpool room. Started to hit, kick, pinch, and call for help. Also called this LPN stupid. Tried to jump out of whirlpool chair. Had to ring for help. Remained agitated the whole bath.

The year I cared for my mother in her own home, either I or a paid caregiver helped her shower every morning.[16] Occasionally, she resisted by saying “I don’t need a shower today,” but objections were easily overcome with patience and understanding. She loved being clean, and she was happy after her shower. So what might cause her behavior to change so drastically that she would “hit, kick, pinch, and call for help?” The logical response would be the approach of the nurse giving the baths.[17] The bathing issues could, no doubt, have been averted with a more compassionate and patient approach.[18] Instead, my mother was given extra medications to sedate her on bath days.

These are just a few examples of how the artificial labeling construct of BPSD negatively impacted my mother. A full decade ago, Dr. Cohen-Mansfield and her colleagues reported that “A substantial proportion of behavior problems in dementia arise when care does not appropriately address the underlying causes.”[19] Yet the reasons behind my mother’s behavioral expressions were never examined or addressed. Instead, she was given antipsychotics, which rendered her catatonic for four to five hours each day, and did nothing to reduce the reported behavior (other than when she was asleep) because the underlying causes remained unchanged.

Recent research[20][21][22] on unmet needs in nursing home residents further supports the idea that the BPSD label is misguided and misleading. In a 2013 study of 179 agitated nursing home residents living with dementia, researchers listed 20 sources or indicators of discomfort.[23] The top three were being sleepy or tired (61.5%), sitting in the same place for two hours or more (49.7%), and being physically restrained (28.5%).

It’s important to acknowledge that “unmet human needs and situational frustrations intersect with the person’s cognitive disabilities to generate behavioral expressions/responsive behaviors.” (E. Caspi, personal communication, October 31, 2017.) However, it’s equally important to emphasize that while dementia may enable, amplify or increase the frequency of such behavior, it is not in most cases the root cause, a fact shown by the SSB results, and the insights gleaned from the analysis of the nurses’ notes on my mother’s behavior.

Conclusion: Mistakenly labeling the individual expressions of people living with dementia as BPSD can have serious and adverse consequences; it:

  • feeds into the overall stigma associated with Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias;
  • reduces the likelihood of identifying and addressing the root causes of challenging behavior;
  • causes unnecessary distress among PLWD and LTCF workers;
  • results in PLWD being inappropriately sedated and chemically restrained with toxic medications that are largely ineffective in treating the “symptoms” for which they are prescribed (off-label).

What we name behaviors greatly impacts how we see and interpret them. It’s time to examine the wording of BPSD as it stands. Many of these behaviors are human responses to unmet physical, emotional and/or psychosocial needs; responses that can easily be seen as normal in the light of feeling threatened or fearful. These responses may well be exacerbated by the medications being inappropriately used to treat them, as well. As dementia care pioneer and author Dr. Allen Power suggests, let’s call them “BPSOD:” Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of the Over-medicalization of Dementia.[24]

It’s time to reframe behavioral expressions in ways that enable us to identify their root causes and, in turn, inform improved efforts to implement humane, personalized, and effective approaches for the care of PLWD. Seniors with dementia need to be better understood and compassionately cared for, not drugged and managed to fit the constraints of a broken system.


*No conflicts of interest

[1] Macaulay, Susan; Efforts to Reduce Antipsychotic Use in Dementia Care Are Starting to Bear Fruit, but a Lot of Work Remains to be Done; JAMDA 18 (2017). Accessed November 3, 2017

[2] Cohen-Mansfield, J. and Billig, N. (1986), Agitated Behaviors in the Elderly: I. A Conceptual Review. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 34: 711–721. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.1986.tb04302.x

[3] Caspi, E. (2014). Does self-neglect occur among older adults with dementia when unsupervised in Assisted Living? An exploratory, observational study. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 26(2), 123-149.

[4] Feil, Naomi, founder, Validation MethodSource: page 29 in Validation Breakthrough book (2002; 2nd edition)]

[5] Casey et al. (2014). Computer-assisted direct observation of behavioral agitation, engagement, and affect in long-term care residents. JAMDA, 15(7), 514-520. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[6] Schreiner et al. (2005). Positive effects among nursing home residents with Alzheimer’s disease: The effect of recreation activity. Aging & Mental Health, 9(2), 129-134. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[7] Macaulay, Susan; 6 reasons why staff in long-term care facilities don’t report incidents of elder abuse and neglect. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[8] International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA); Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Education Pack; 1998. Accessed on November 3, 2017.

[9] International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA); Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Education Pack; 1998. Accessed on November 3, 2017.

[10] Brill, Stephen; America’s Most Admired Lawbreaker; Chapter 2; in the HuffingtonPost Highline, 2015. Accessed on November 3, 2017.

[11] Caspi, E. (2013). Time for change: Persons with dementia and “behavioral expressions,” not “behavior symptoms.” Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 14(10), 768-769.

[12] Wayne A. Ray Jo A. Taylor Michael J. Liechtenstein Keith G. Meador; Journal of Gerontology, Volume 47, Issue 1, 1 January 1992, Pages M9–M16. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[13] Nursing Home Behavior Problem Scale PDF. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[14] Macaulay, Susan; A Short Survey on Behavior. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[15] Short Survey on Behavior Results. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[16] Macaulay, Susan; 15 tips to make alzheimer dementia shower time successful not stressful. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[17] Macaulay, Susan; waging war at alzheimer bath time. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[18] Somboontanont et al. (2004). Assaultive behavior in Alzheimer’s disease: Identifying immediate antecedents during bathing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 30(9), 22-29.

[19] Cohen-Mansfield J, Mintzer JE. Time for change: the role of nonpharmacological interventions in treating behavior problems in nursing home residents with dementia. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders. 2005;19(1):37-40.

[20] Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska et al. Which unmet needs contribute to behavior problems in persons with advanced dementia? Psychiatry Research, Volume 228, Issue 1, 59 – 64.

[21] Cohen-Mansfield J et al. Efficacy of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in advanced dementia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial; Accessed November 3, 2017.

[22] Rethinking Psychosis in Dementia: An Analysis of Antecedents and Explanations; American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, 2017. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[23] Cohen-Mansfield J, Thein K, Marx MS, Dakheel-Ali M, Jensen B. Sources of Discomfort in Persons With Dementia. JAMA Intern Med. 2013;173(14):1378–1379. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.6483. Accessed November 3, 2017.

[24] Power, Allen; Medicalization of Feelings: BPSD or BPSOD? Accessed November 3, 2017.

Take my short survey on behaviour here.